Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! UP1587, M2A. lpp.
1: Gelobet §ey Gott vn§er Gott etc.
2: Patteicktcz{Pattcicktcz} / gir Dews muße Dews / Ka tas mums 3: baryoys gir / Ar ßouwe Wärde to Dwhe§elle May§e / 4: Kas titcz exkan to thas nhe redtz to Nawe / Haleluia / 5: Haleluia / nu teitczet Dewe Haleluia. 6: 2. 7: Patteicktcz gir Chri§tus muße prex / Kattram gir winge 8: Cziwibe mackßays / Ka mums nhe kayte to Grecke ruus / 9: Touws Wärdtcz gir mums wens ßaldtz Szeeres / Haleluia / 10: Haleluia / nu teitczet Dewe Haleluia. 11: 3. 12: Patteicktcz gir tas Sweeteis Gars / Ka thas mums ßee- 13: le§tibe parade / Thös Trys mhes luudtczam wue§§e wayrs / 14: Ar Darbems ta titczibe thop lab paradite / Haleluia / Halelu- 15: ia / nu teitczet Dewe / Haleluia. 16: Volgen etzliche Lieder / die zur Be- 17: grebnus der ver§torbenen ge§un- 18: gen werden. 19: Der Lobge§ang Simeonis / 20: Nunc dimittis §eruum tuum Domine. 21: D. Mart. Luth. 22: Mit fried vnd frewd ich fahr dahin. 23: AR mere vnde preke es broudtcz proyam / Exkan Dewe 24: präte / Epretzenata gir mana Syrdtcz vnd Prätcz / Lhena |
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