Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! UP1587, L4B. lpp.
1: 2.
2: Py thöw nee maxa neneke ka ßeele§tibe wen / Toes Gree- 3: kes gribe tu pamme§t / Tas gir ar muße darri§chenne whelte / 4: Arridtczan exkan to labbake Cziwibe / Prexkan thöw neewens 5: ßöw leloth war / Tha buus prexkan thöw bytes yckwenam / 6: Vnde touwes ßeele§tibes cziwoth. 7: 3. 8: Tapeetcz vs Dewe grib czerreth es / Vs manne Luuck- 9: §chenne nhe lukooth / Vs to wen{wcn} manne Szyrdtz buus pallou- 10: tes ßöw / Vnd vs winge Lhenibe czerreeth / Katters man peßack 11: ßouwe czenige wärde / Tas gir mans Prex vnde Lyxmibe / 12: To grib es allaßin pagaydith. 13: 4. 14: Vnde kad tas pallickte exkan to Nacke / Vnde atkal py 15: to Ryte / Tomher nhebuus manne Szyrdtz py Dewe §peeke / 16: J§bailoth nedtcz nhe gadath / To dar te Titczige te§ige Rad- 17: de / Kattre aran to Garre paradyte thappe / Vnde ßouwe De- 18: we pagayde. 19: 5. 20: Jeb py mums gir tho Greeke doudtcz / Py Dewe gir 21: doudtcze wairack ßeele§tibe / Wynge Roke py Pallydtczibes nhe 22: gir gals / Ka lela arridtczan gir ta Waine / Thas gir wen tas 23: labs Gans / Kattres Dews atpe§tyth grib / Aran wue§§ims 24: ßouwims Greekims. 25: Ein Gei§tlich Lied von Chri§to. 26: Andreas Knöpken. 27: Herr Chri§t der einig Gottes Sohn. |
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