Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ench1615, HB. lpp.
1: pattam Namman lab pre§chan §thawe / kattram pak-
2: loußige Bherne gir / ar wü§§ade Godibe / nedtcz tadam 3: kas youns gir / vnd ßöw v§pu§chäs / Beth katters §tip- 4: pre thur pär tho Dewe tai§nige Wärde vnde maetcyt 5: war / vnde war peminneeth czour to §weete Maetcybe / 6: vnd ßodyth tös prettibe treßatayes etc . I.Tim . 3 . Tit . 1. 7: Den Zuhörern. 8: Tas Kunx gir pawheleis / ka te / kattre to Euangeli- 9: um ßluddena / thims buus ßöw nho tho Euangelio vs 10: thurreetes / I . Corint . 9. 11: Thas / katters pammaetcytcz thope ar tho Dewe 12: Wärde / tas dalle wü§§ade labbumme / tham / kas tho 13: pammace / Gal . 6. 14: Te Whetczake / kattre lab pre§chan §thawe / te gir 15: duewkartige{dnewekartige} gode czenige / Whel wayrack kattre thur 16: §trada / exkan Dewe Wärde / vnde exkan to Maetcybe . 17: Ai§to tas Raxtcz ßack / thöw nhe buus tam Wer§cham / 18: katters tur §trada / to Mutte ayßeth . Item Wens Dar- 19: benex / gir ßouwe Alge pelnis . I. Tim . 5. 20: Mhes luudczam yums / mylige Brale / ka yuus ad- 21: ßi§tet / kattre py yums §trada / vnd yums pre§chan §tha- 22: we exkan to Kunge / vnd yums pemin . Turreth tös myle 23: winge darbe peetz / vnde e§§eth merige ar tims . I . The§ 5. 24: E§§et pakloußige yuu§ims Maetcetayms / vnd dar- 25: ret ta . Ai§to te gir modrige pär yuu§ims Dwe§elims / 26: Ka te / kattrims tur lagadibo par yums luu§e doth / ka te 27: to ar precibe dar / vnd nhe ar nopuute§chenne / ai§to tas 28: nee gir yums labe . Ebre . 13. |
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