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UP1587, G3B. lpp.

1: berns ad§ytcz / ka ßoew brinoyas wue§§e pa§§oule / Dewam
2: tade peczim§chen pattycke.
3: 2.
4: Nhe no Wyre a§§en nedtcz no Meße / Beth wen no to
5: §weete Garre / Gir Dewe Wärdtcz tappis czilwhex / Vnde
6: §edtcz wenas ßewes meße.
7: 3.
8: Taes Jumprouwes Meße abgrutenata tappe / Tomher
9: pallicke taes Goodtcz §ky§te pa§§argatz / Vnde §pyde ar da§§cha-
10: de dawane krä§ne / Dews tur by exkan ßouwe wal§tibe.
11: 4.
12: Thas gaye aran ßouwe kammerre / Lidtcz ka no wene
13: Köninge cziwokle / Patte§e Dews vnde Czilwhex / Szouwe
14: Czelle thas vs tetcze§chen §teydtcz.
15: 5.
16: Thas nätcze no to Thewe / Vnd grißes atkal py The-
17: we / Vnde kape appe§kan exkan Helles / Vnde atkal py De-
18: we kreeßle.
19: 6.
20: Katters tu eße tam Thewam lydtcz / J§wedde to Karye
21: exkan Meße / Ka touwe mußige dewige §peex / Exkan mums to
22: waye Me§§e v§thur.
23: 7.


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