Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ench1615, F4B. lpp.
1: Vdens tho te§cham nhe dar / Beth thas Dewe
2: Wärdtcz katters ar vnde py tho Vdenne gir vnde tha 3: Titczibe / kattra thadam Dewe Wärdam exkan Vden- 4: ne petitcz / Ai§to / bes Dewe Wärde / gir thas Vdens 5: wente§yx Vdens / vnde nhe wena Chru§tibe . Beth ar 6: tho Dewe Wärde gir tha wena Chru§tibe / thas gir / 7: wens §weetcz Vdens / thas cziwibes / vnde wena no- 8: ma§ga§chenne / tas Jounes Czimptibes exkan to §wee- 9: te Garre / Kha S . Paulus ßack vs Tito exkan to tre§- 10: §che wete . 11: Czour tho Noma§ga§chenne thäs ad- 12: czimptibes vnde atyouna§chenne ta §wee- 13: te Garre / Kattre thas Baggatige I§leys 14: gir / pär mums czour JE§um Chri§tum 15: mußam Pe§titayam / Ka mhes czour tho 16: patte Szeele§tibe tay§ne / Vnde Bherne / 17: eßem thas mußiges Cziwo§chennes / peetcz 18: tho Czerribe / tas gir te§cham te§e . 19: Czettörtan Kärtan . 20: Ko czimo tad thada Vdenne Chru§ti§chenne ? Adbilde . 21: Tha czimo kha thas whetz Adams exkan mums 22: czour deni§ke waydhe§chenne vnde atmitte§chenne nho 23: Greekims buus apßluczenatam tapt / vnde mur_rth ar 24: wü§§ims Greekims / vnd lounims Egribbe§chennims . |
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