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Ench1615, F4A. lpp.

1: Ta Chru§tibe nhe gir wens wente§yx Vdens / Beth
2: ta gir tas Vdens / katters exkan Dewe Boußle eth-
3: wertz / vnde ar Dewe Wärde ßa§§etz gir .
4: Katters gir tad taatcz Dewe Wärdtcz ? Adbilde .
5: Kur muße Kunx Chri§tus treße Matthei tan
6: peedigan wetan . Eyet / exkan wü§§e Pa§§oule /
7: maetczeth wü§§es Loudes / Vnde Chru§tyet
8: thös / exkan to Wärde to Thewe / vnde tho
9: Dhele / vnde to §weete Garre .
10: Otran Kartan .
11: Ko dode ta Chru§tibe yeb ko ta mums pallidtcze ? Adbilde .
12: Ta dode Pame§§chen thös Greekes / ape§ty nho
13: Nawe / vnde Whelne /vnde dode tho mußige Cziwo-
14: §chenne wü§§ims / Kattre to Titcze / kha te Wärde vnde
15: tha Dewe peßatcy§chenne §kan .
16: Kattre gir tade Wärde vnd Dewe peßatcy§chenne ? Adbild .
17: Kur muße Kunx Chri§tus treße Marei tan peedi-
18: gan wetan . Kas thur titcz / vnde chru§tytcz
19: thope / thas thope Sweetcz / Beth kas nhe
20: titcz / thas thope paßu§tcz .
21: Tre§§chan Kärtan .
22: Ka war Vdens / thade lele lethe darryth ? Adbilde .


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