Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ench1615, E4A. lpp.
1: Ta Pirma Luuch§chenne .
2: Sweettytz thope tows Wärdtcz 3: Kas tas gir ? Adbilde : 4: Dewe wärdtcz gir te§cha~ py ßöw pattim Sweetcz / 5: Beth mhes luudtczam exkan §cho Luuck§chenne / Kha 6: thas py mums arridtczan Sweetcz thope . 7: Ka noteke tas ? Adbilde . 8: Kad thas Dewe Wärdtcz §ky§te vnd §kaidre mät- 9: cytcz thope / vnde mhes arridtczan §weete / Ka the De- 10: we Bherne peetcz to cziwoyam / tho palydtcz mums 11: myleis Thews exkan Debbes . Beth kas czittade mät- 12: cze vnde cziwo / kha tas Dewe Wärdtcz mätcze / thas 13: nhe §weety §tarpan mums tho Dewe Wärde . Nho tho 14: pa§§arge mums myleys Debbe§§e Thews . |
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