Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ench1615, E3A. lpp.
1: Tas tre§§ches Loczeklis / thas Swee-
2: ti§chennes . 3: Es titcz exkan to Sweete Garre / we- 4: na Sweeta Chru§tyta Ba§nicze / ta droug- 5: czibe thös Sweetes / Pamme§§chen thös 6: Greekes / auxkam czel§chenne täs Meßes / 7: vnd wene mußige Cziwo§chenne / Amen . 8: Kas gir tas ? Adbilde . 9: Es titcz / kha es ar manne pa§§che Szappra§chen- 10: ne needtcz Speetczibe exkan JE§um Chri§tum manne 11: Kunge / neewar titczet yeb pyto naeckt / Beth thas 12: Sweetcz Gars gir man czour tho Euangelium aitcze- 13: nays / ar ßouwims Dawanims pa§kaydroys / exkan 14: patte§e Titczibe §weetis / vnde vs thurreys /lydtcz kha 15: tas to wü§§e chru§tite Drougczibe würßon Semmes / 16: aytczena / ßackraye / ab§kaydro / Sweety / vnde py JE- 17: §u Chri§to v§thur / exkan wene patthe§e Titczibe . Ex- 18: kan kattre Chru§tite Droudczibe thas man vnde wü§- 19: §ims Titczigims deni§ke wü§§es Greekes pammeth / 20: vnde exkan tho Pa§tare dene man / Vnd wü§§es Mür- 21: rones atkal vßmodenas / Vnde man / ar wü§§ims 22: Titczigims exkan Chri§to / wene mußige 23: Cziwo§chenne dhos / Tas gir 24: te§cham te§a . |
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