Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! UP1587, DA. lpp.
1: Mhes titczam arridtczan exkan Jhe§um Chri§tum / win-
2: gam Dhelam vnd mußam Kungam / katters mußige py to 3: Thewe gyr / Lydtcz wens Dews no Speeke vnde Gode. No 4: Maria taes jumprouwes / gir thas patte§e Czilwhex peczim- 5: mis Czour to Sweete Garr exkan tidtczibe / par mums / kat- 6: tre mhes byam pa§§udu§§che Py chru§te nomuerris / Vnd no 7: to Nawe atkal auxkam czeles czour Dewe{Dewc}. 8: Mhes titczam exkan to §weete Garre / Dews ar to Thewe 9: vnd to Dhele / katters wue§§e beediges Eprecetays gir / vnd ar 10: dawanims apteerpe kra§ene / Thoes wue§§es chru§tites wuer- 11: §on Semmes / Thur exkan wene lidtczyge / Scheit wue§§e 12: Greeke pamme§te thope / Tay Meße buhs arridtczan atkal 13: cziwoth / Peetcz §cho beedigc cziwo§chenne / gir gattouw dar- 14: rytcz / Mums wena cziwo§chen bes galle. 15: Der Glaube auffs kürtze§te 16: verfa§§et. 17: ES titcz exkan Dewe Thewe / wue§§ewalditaye{wuc§§ewalditaye} / Raddi- 18: taye Debbes vnde thaes Semmes. Vnde{Vndc} exkan Jhe- 19: §um Chri§tum wingam wenigam Dehlam mußam kun- 20: gam. Katters eyemptcz gir / no to §weete Garre / peczimmis 21: no Maria taes jumprouwes. Moetczytz gir / appe§kan Pontio 22: Pilato / kru§tan ßi§tz / nomuerris vnde abbe§tcz. Semmen 23: broudtczis exkan to Helle / Tan tre§§chan denan atkal auxkam 24: czeles no to Nawe / vsbroudtczis vs Debbe§§e / Seede py to 25: labbe Roke Dewe tha wue§§ewalditaye Thewe. No turrenes 26: thas atkal naex / ßodyth toes cziwes / vnde muernones. Es 27: titcz exkan to §weete Garre. Wene §weete Chru§tite Ba§nice / |
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