Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! UP1587, D4B. lpp.
1: Das Chor.
2: Vnd ar touwe Gar. 3: Hie reichet man das heilige Abendmal 4: des tewren Leibes vnd Bluts Chri§ti / 5: vnd wird ge§ungen 6: Jhe§us Chri§tus vn§er Heiland. 7: JJE§us Chri§tus muße Pe§titays / Kas no mums to 8: Dewe Enaidibe yeme / Czour ßouwe rueckte Moke / 9: Pallidtczey thas mums aran thaes Helles §ape. 10: 2. 11: Ka mhes mußam to neeai§mir§tam / Doeuwe thas mums 12: ßouwe Meße ee§t / Apßlepta exkan to May§e tha mas / Vnd 13: ßouwe A§§en §czerdt exkan to Wine. 14: 3. 15: Kas nu grib py tho Galde ethe / Tas abdoma lab vs 16: ßouwe lete / Kas netczenige §cheit klaeth edth / Paer to Cziwi- 17: be to Nawe dabbuy. 18: 4. 19: Thoew buus Dewe to Thewe ßlaweeth / Ka thas thoew 20: tha lab grib baryoth / Vnd par touwe No§egumme / Exkan 21: to Nawe ßouwe Dhele doeuwis gir. 22: 5. 23: Thoew buus titczet / vnd nhe j§§ami§§etes / Ka tu gir wena |
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