Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ench1615, C2B. lpp.
1: Tadam Czilwhekam neewar wene labbake pad-
2: dome tapt dothe / Ka §chis wen / kha thas exkan ßouwe 3: patte a§§ote grabe / vnde yut / yeb baude / Ja tam arridt- 4: czan wel Meße vnde A§§en gir / vnde titcz tay §weetey 5: raxte / Ka tha no to ßacke . 6: Otran kärtan kad thas apkart ßöw luka yeb thas 7: whel exkan §cha Pa§§oul gir / Vnd pemin{pemim} kha tas bes 8: bedems vnde Greekems nebuus ka arridtczan ta §we- 9: te rachtcz ßack . 10: Tre§§chen kärtan tad buus tas Welns alla§in ap- 11: kärth tho kas tham neewene Mere lycks ar Melliums 12: vnde ßlepkouwibe Dene vnd Nackt / e§kyge vnd arige / 13: ka arridtczan ta §weete rachtcz exkan douczims wetems 14: tho aprakte / Amen . 15: Nu nack the pece Jouta§chen 16: vnde adbilde§§chen . 17: Ta pirme Jouta§chen . 18: Kapeetcz yem tu tho §weete E§tadium no to Meße 19: vnde A§§ene JE§u Chri§ti ? Adbilde . 20: Tapeetcz kha es arridtczan e§me wens Dewe 21: Bherns vnd man gir dallibe vnd doudczibe ar Chri§to 22: ar wü§§ems mylems §weetems vnd ar wü§§ems titczi- 23: gems Labbems Chru§titems ar thems / lapprath cze§th 24: vnde{vude} mirth . 25: Ta ottre Jouta§chen . |
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