Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ench1615, A3B. lpp.
1: Greekes pamme§t / pär kaerdena§chenne
2: pa§§argat / vnd no wü§§e loune pe§tyt. 3: IIII. 4: Die Heilige Tauffe 5: No to §weete Cru§tibe. 6: Mu§§e Kunx JE§us Chri§tus ßatcy vß 7: ßouwems Maetceklems. Eythe exkan tho 8: wü§§e Pa§§oule / vnde maczeth wü§§es lou- 9: des / vnde Crustyeth tos exkan to Waerde 10: to Thewe / vnde to Dhele / vnde to Sweete 11: Garre. Kas tur titcz vnde Cru§titcz thope / 12: tas taps §weetcz / Beth kas nee titcz / thope 13: pa§§u§tcz. 14: Ko mactce tu aran tho Cru§tibe ? Adbilde. 15: Es mactce tur aran / ka man Dews grib ßelix buuth / 16: vnde tha patte§e ka es Cru§tytcz e§me / tha patte§e grib 17: thas mannes Greekes pamme§t / vnd man par ßouwe 18: Bherne thas müßiges cziwo§chennes v§iemt / Tai§ne 19: vnde Sweete darryth. 20: Von des Himel§reichs Schlü§§el/ oder 21: der Ab§olucton / Johan. 20. |
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