Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! UP1587, A3A. lpp.
1: Worumb toben die Heiden / etc.
2: KApeetcz tracko te pagane / vnd te loudis treß ta whelte. 3: Te Köninge exan Semmes czelyas ßoew auxam / 4: vnd te Kunge runnas thur wene ar{arotre} otre / prettybe to 5: Kunge vnd ßouwe Chri§tum. 6: Laydet mums ßapplee§t winge ßaytes / vnd nho mums 7: mhe§t winge walges. 8: Beth katters exan Debbeß cziwo / apßmey thos / vnd tas 9: Kunx apmhede thos. 10: Thas wenkarth artims treßes exkan ßouwe du§mybe / 11: vnd ar ßouwe Barczybe thas thos J§bedenas. 12: Beth es e§me manne Köninge e§tadys vs manne Swee- 13: te{Swecte} kalne Sion. 14: Es grib nho wene tade Boußle maetczyt / ka tas Kunx vs 15: man gir ßatczys / tu es mans Dhels / Shodene e§me es thoew 16: peczimmis. 17: Pra§§e nho man / thad grib es thoew tös paganes par 18: Mantybe dhot / vnd to pa§§oule galle par paddomybe. 19: Toew buus thös ar wene czel§e Ry§te Saßy§t / kha po- 20: dhes buus toew thos Szammee§t. 21: Ta laydet yums nu paradyth yus Köninge / vnd laydet 22: yums pammacyt yuus Szodetaye wuerßon Semmes. 23: Kalpoyet tam kungam ar by§chenne / vnd precetes yums 24: ar try§e§chenne. 25: Skup§tet to Dhele / ka thas nhe du§ma / vnd yuus ßam- 26: maytates vs tho czelle. 27: Ae§to winge du§mybe dryß edex / Beth lab wue§§ims kat- 28: tre vs to palouyas. 29: Gode gir tam Thewam / vnd tham Dhelam / vnd tham 30: Sweetam Garram, etc. |
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