Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ench1615, A2A. lpp.
1: du§myx Dews / katters par thems / Khas
2: man enyde / thös Greekes thös Thewes 3: mayas pemeckle / py thems Bhernems 4: exkan tre§§che vnnde czettorte augumme / 5: Beth thems / kattre man pemile / vnd man- 6: nes Boußles thur thems dar es labbe ex- 7: kan tu§to§che augumme . 8: Ko mactce tu aran thims de§mette 9: Boußlims ? Adbilde. 10: Es mactce thur aran mannes Greekes adßith / 11: vnde kha es thös nhe war thurret / Kha man Dews 12: Pawheleis gir. 13: II. 14: Der Glaube. 15: Ta Tytczibe. 16: Es titcz exkan Dewe to Thewe / Wü§§ewal- 17: dytaye / Radditaye / Debbes vnd täs Sem- 18: mes. Vnde exkan JE§um Chri§tum win- 19: gam wenigam Dhelam mu§§am Kungam 20: katters eyemptcz gir / no to §weete Garre / 21: peczimmis no thäs Jumprouwas Maria / |
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