Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ps1615, 97. lpp.
1: Mu§yg touws wartz dar pallickt / ka E§aias §acke / exkan
2: §ouwe gram~ate dar rax§tit / pirmacke pa§utte ta pa§§oule / Vnde ko 3: Dews patz gir raddis / buthe tam wuß §amaitat / tas ne darrit ne- 4: wen at§ouk§chen. 5: JE§us tas wartz ta Thewe / gir naczis exkan tho pa§§oul / 6: Ar lelems brini§kems §imems / pardoutz par loune noude / czour 7: Judam winge macekle wen / tappe tas exkan nawe doetcz / JE- 8: §us tas Jeryns. 9: Petcz to ka te by edu§che / §aprotet to lele dene Jher / 10: Tad darry tas neai§mir§t / to Maiße exkan §ouwe roke ieme / §atczi 11: edeth tas gir manne Meß / katters par iums toep doetcs / par pam- 12: me§chen iu§es grekes mokes. 13: Deuw thems arriczan thur klath Czert / exkan wyn §ou- 14: we A§§en ta §arkan / Winne nawe py to peminnet / Paulus aprax- 15: tis gir / tas czenyg edh no§cho Mai§e / vnde czer no to bicker / tas ne- 16: redczes tho nawe. 17: JE§us maßgaye thems toes kaies / lab py to patte §tun- 18: de / maczy toes ar §aldems wardems / no §ouwe Dewi§ke mutte / my- 19: leth ius wens ar ottre alla§in / py to taps tas pa§i§tecz / ka ius man- 20: ne Maczekle e§§et. 21: Chri§tus tas Kunx exkan tho där§e / Kad tas ludczys by / 22: tös Jodes darri tas gaidyt / no thems tappe §a§etcz czethe / Te wed- 23: de to thur py to Szoge / §aßau§cz vnde no kronetz / tam nawam 24: no§odytz tappe. 25: Auxt py wene kru§te packartcz / tas lels peczims Köninx / 26: petcz mums darry tas gaidyt / tapetcz §atczy tas man twyxt / §apro- 27: tet petcz mu§e pe§ti§chen / Tapetz wens czilweks peczims / nowenas 28: §ki§tas Jumprouwas. 29: Ar §ouwe galwe klanies / Tas §ouwe Garre auxkam 30: dewe / ka mu~s Johannes leczib dot / tas tappe no iemptz §emmen / 31: No Cru§t exkan kappe tappe tas licktß / tan tre§chan denan auxkam 32: czelis / ka tas by paprex§chen §atczis. |
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