Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ps1615, 94. lpp.
1: Chri§tus tappe warre~ §chou§tz / tas ne§§e wene dadze kron /
2: tape thems loudems §atczit / tam peder tas auxtax ammatz / tappe 3: bes waine tam nawam nodotz. 4: Ka Pilatus biya nelaimibe / wur§on to tap tas warren 5: pardrouditz / tapetz wen loune nepattes §odibe tas no§ody / Chri- 6: §tum exkan to nawe nodeuwe. 7: Vnde wens §lepkouwis tas tappe par tho ißredczecz / kas 8: wuß cziwibe raddy vnde v§tur / tas pe§titais no mußige nawe na- 9: §te / tappe py karratouwe aran we§tz. 10: Souwe kru§te ne§§e tas ar grute na§te / petz ar lele §ape py 11: to kru§t §i§tz / wens raxtz tappe wirßon to raxtitz / par winge drebes 12: tos koulinges mette. 13: Tas lels pe§titais mums no Dewe dotz / tappe par mums 14: py to kru§te kartz / §tarpa~ duewems lounems §lepkouwems / par §ou- 15: wems enaidnekems tas tho Thewe ludcz. 16: Vnde tam §lepkouwam tas to Paradyes / py to labbe roke 17: §oly / ar to tas parade §ouwe Dewi§ke ßeele§tibe / No to otre tas pol- 18: gatz tapp. 19: Eticke tappe tam tur dotz ar ßulckte / Sweetam Janam 20: tas paweley / §ouwe Mathe ka ta py to kru§te §tawey / tad tay Mate 21: dwe§el pulne §ape tap. 22: Vnde ka tas py ßouwe no§kir§chen peminney / Ka 23: wu§§es lethes by pepuldite / ßouw dwe§el paweley exkan ßouwe The- 24: we roke / tas Ba§niczes prexe aute §apli§äs. 25: The ackmen §apli§e vnde ta §emme tri§ey / czitte murrone 26: czelis auxkan no to nawe / wing §ane ar wen §kepe tappe czour 27: durtz / no to tetzzey vden vnd a§§en. 28: Thur klath arridczan ßouwe §pidum ta §oule nedew / tas 29: wing me§e ne§t py to kappe / tappe pa§§argatz vß tos Jodes luck§chen / 30: Ka winge matczekle tho ne§ackte. 31: Exkan Gode exkan kappe winge du§§e§chen / gir wens 32: gai§ums §pideis klat thems / Kattre exkan tum§ibe §edey czille / kad 33: tas Kunx py to kru§te nomirre. |
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