Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 93. lpp.
1: Die Epi§tel am heiligen O§ter-
2: tage / 1. Corinth. 5. 3: JVu§e lelo§chenne nhe gir labba / nhe 4: §inneth yuus / ka wens mas Roux / 5: Tho wü§§e mickle ßarouczey. Ta- 6: peetcz J§mhe§et to wetcze rouge / Ka 7: yuus wena youna mickla e§§et / lidtz 8: ka yuus neeroudtczete e§§et. Ai§to 9: mums gir arridtczan wens lelede- 10: neyeers / thäs gir Chri§tus / par mums vpperetcz. Ta- 11: peetcz laidet mums leledene thurreth / nhe exkan wetcza 12: Rouga / Nedtcz arridtczan exkan Rouga täs lounibes 13: vnde bleedibes / Beth exkan täs tyribes vnde te§nibes. 14: Euangelium am heiligen O§ter- 15: tage / Marci am 16. Cap{Eap.} 16: VNde kad ta leledene §weeta czetczen 17: by / Pirka Maria Magdalena / 18: vnde Maria Jacobi vnde Salo- 19: me / darges §ales / Ka the näckte / 20: vnde §waidite tho. Vnde the nätce 21: py tho kappe / vs wene §weedene 22: lothe aggre / Khad tha Soule vs 23: gaya / Vnde the tre§§ey ßouwan §tarpan / Kas nowhel 24: mums tho Ackmenne no tho kappe durwe? Vnde the 25: nomannye / Ka thas Ackmens nowheltcz by / ai§to tas 26: by warren lels. |
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