Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 91. lpp.
1: Sweetke adgayu§§e by / vnde thas kaps tur tuwe
2: kläth by / vnde ay§whele wene lele Ackmenne / prexkan 3: tho kappe durwe / vnde gaye tur no§th. 4: Beth tur by Maria Magdalena / vnde Maria 5: Jo§ephs / te paßeedäs ßöw prettibe tho kappe / arridtc- 6: czan czittas Szewas / Kattre JE§um by peetcz §taiga- 7: i§che no Galilea / lukoyas / kurpu / vnd ka winga Meßa 8: nolickta tappe. Beth te gre§ees apkärth / vnde ßattay- 9: §ye thäs Sales vnde Salwes / vnde par to §weedene by 10: the klu§§e / peetcz to Dewe Boußle. 11: Than otran denan / Kattra nätcze peetcz tho 12: Szattaißamme dene / nätcze the Auxteba§nitczekunge 13: vnde Phari§eer wenlidtczige py Pilato / Vnde ßatcye 14: Kunx mhes §innam / Ka §chis nhoweddetays ßatcy / 15: Kad thas whel cziwoye. Es grib peetcz trims denims 16: atkal auxkam czelthes. Tapeetcz pawhel / Ka tas kaps 17: paßargätcz thope / Js tho tre§che dene / Ai§to / Ka win- 18: ge Maetczekle nhe nake / Vnde ßoge tho / vnde ßacke vs 19: thems Loudems / Tas gir atkal auxkam czeles no tims 20: Mürronims / vnde ta peedige Wiltibe thoppe louna- 21: ke / Nhe ka tha pirmaka. Pilatus ßatcy vs thims / tur 22: gir yums the Szarge / eyeth vnde Szargat tho / 23: Ka yuus ßinneth : The nogaye vnd pa§§arga- 24: ye tho kappe ar Szargims vnde ap- 25: ßimoye to Ackmenne. 26: Ende der Hi§torien des Leides Chri§ti. |
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