Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ps1615, 90. lpp.
1: Ta Dewi§ke ßeele§tibe no debbes lel / §öw exkan to §ki§te
2: mathe eleig / wen meiting neß wen §leppen kyle / kas tay me§ey neby 3: pa§§i§tams. 4: Tas Godix nams tas ßirdes kra§ne / ta dris wen Dewe czi- 5: wokle tap / kattre newens wirs ai§kare nedz paßinnay / No Dewe 6: warde ta tap gruta attra§ta. 7: Ta czenige mathe gir to czimmus / Kattre Gabriel pa- 8: prexke peminney / kattre §weetz Jans ar leck§chen pa§§innay / ka tas 9: wel gulley exkan mathe me§e. 10: Tas gulley exkan ßen ar lele nabbaczibe / to ßille czetum 11: tas nebeday / tur by wens maß pens winge barribe / katters newen 12: putning i§§alckt leke. 13: Ta debbes droudz pretzes §öw tur wirßon / vnde te Engel 14: czede Dewam godz / tems nabbagems gannems top §luddenatz / tas 15: gans vnde radditais wi§§e pa§§oule. 16: Slaw godz vnd teick§chen gir töw §atczitz / Chri§t peczims 17: no tas §ki§tes Jumprouws / ar Thewe vnde to §weete Garr / No 18: §cha laike is exkan mu§ch bes gall / AMEN. 19: Ein ander Ge§ang auff Weinachten 20: Vns i§t geboren ein Kindelein / etc/ 21: MVms gir peczimmis wens beernings / 22: Wens bernings / No Marien tas Jum- 23: prouws §ki§te / Haleluia / Haleluia. 24: Tha wartz Dewey Emanuel / Ema- 25: nuel / Ka mums pa§luddenay Gabriel / 26: Haleluia / Haleluia. 27: Tas gir tick doudze ka Dews ar mu~s / 28: Dews ar mu~s / Katters mums pe§ty no 29: wu§§e bede / Haleluia / Haleluia. 30: Buth mums tas beernings nepeczims / Nepeczims / |
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