Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Manc1654_LP1, 89. lpp.
1: peed§immuśchi 䧜am / nhe gir ween Wahrdohß und Darrbohß /
2: bett tudeļļ kad taß Bährns śawas Mahtes Mee§śahs ee=jämbts 3: kļuh§t / tad py to arrid§an / jeb taß wehl nhe gir peed§immis / jaw 4: tee eed§immuśchi Ghräki rohdahß: und by teem tohß Puiśiśchus 5: apghree§dami apdohmaht / kad Deews nhe buhtu tick §chehliegs 6: bijis / tad by tee ar tahdeem ee=d§immuścheem Ghräkeem nopell- 7: nijuśchi / ka Deews tohß warrätu ar iß=trietu a§śu Na§i śawas 8: Dußmibas und Śohbini śawas Bahrśibas py Mee§śas und 9: Dweh§śeles Drußko=Drußkahß śakappaht und ißdelldeht. 10: Tre§ścha` kahrta` / gir Deews teem Juddeem to Apghree- 11: śchanu tapehtz ee=§tahdijis / ka tee alla§ch warrätu §tippre titzeht / 12: ko Deews teem śohlijis / to Wings teem turrehß. Deews by 13: teem śohlijis to Śeewas=Śähklu / to Kunghu JE§u Chri§tum / 14: tahß Pa§śaules Pe§titaju / to Wings teem śuhtieß / ka Wings 15: teem irr dehwis gir. Jck=kattris Judds / kaß apghree§ts by / 16: und ścho Siem py śawahm Mee§śahm ne§śe / warreja wiß ko 17: Deews by śohlijis / jeb laizighe / jeb muh§chighe / §öw aisjembtees / 18: und śatziet : Śchy Deewa Śohliśchanu / ścho Deewa Wahrdu 19: eß arrid§an aisjämmohß / ai§to eß äßmu apghree§ts / ka mehs 20: la§śam no to Jonathan / Koninja Sauļa Dählu ; taß ghribbä- 21: dams kauteeß ar teem Paggaņeem / teem Wili§teŗeem / śacka taß 22: us śawu Bruņņa Ne§śeju: nahtz / laid mums noeet py ścheem 23: Nheapghree§teem / negg taß Kungs kolabb zaur mums 24: darries / ai§to tam Kungham nhe gir ghruht zaur maß 25: pallid§eht jeb zaur dauds. Jonathans ghribb tick dauds 26: śatziet : Mums / kattri mehs apghree§ti 䧜am / gir Deews śohlijis / 27: tohß Nehapghree§tus Paggaņus uswahreht / us ścho Deewa 28: Wahrdu laid mums titzeht / und dohteeß prett teem Wili§te- 29: ŗeem. Vnd Deews pallied§eja teem. Kad Dawids / wehl 30: jauns buhdams / ghribbeja kauteeß ar to ghaŗŗu Wieru to Go- 31: liath / ee=drohśchenajahß Wings arrid§an ar to / ka Wings zaur |
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