Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 89. lpp.
1: Mathe / vnde Salome / tha Mathe Zebedei / Kattre
2: tham arridtczan by peetcz §taigai§che / Kad thas exkan 3: Galilea by / vnd tham kalpoi§che / vnd doudtcze czitte / 4: kattre ar tho tur vs Jeru§alem gayu§che by. 5: Beth the Jude loudis / peetcz to ka tha / ta ßatay- 6: ßamme dene by / Ka tha Meße Chri§ti py tho Kru§te 7: neepallickte / pär tho leledene Sweetke ( Ai§to tha pat- 8: te leledene Sweedene by lela / luudtcze the Pilatum / 9: ka wingu lelye lou§te{lou§tevnde} vnde noyempte tapte. Tad nä- 10: tcze the Karyekalpe / vnde lou§e tam pirmoyam tos 11: Leloes / vnde tam Otram / katters ar tho kru§tan ßi§tz 12: by / Beth kad the py JE§u nätcze / vnde redtczey / ka 13: thas yow nomuerris by / nhelouße the tham tos Le- 14: loes. Beth wens no tims karye Szullainims / atwhe- 15: re tam winga Szanu ar wene Skeepe / vnde tudelin 16: tetczeye tur A§§ens vnde Vdens aran. 17: Vnde kas tho redtczeys gir / tas gir to apledtcze- 18: nays / vnde winge ledtczibe gir te§cham / vnde thas patz 19: ßin / ka thas te§cham ßack / ai§to ka yuus arridtczan 20: titczeth. Ai§to tas gir notitczis / ka tas Raxt pepuel- 21: dytcz tapte : Jums nhe buu§ neewene koule ßalou§th{ßalou§th vnde} 22: Vnde whel wenkärth treß wens czitcz / the redtczes ex- 23: kan kattre the duru§§che gir. 24: Peetcz tho / tan Wackaran / ka tha / ta Szatay- 25: ßamme dene by / kattra gir ta paprexke Sweedene / 26: Nätcze Jo§eph no Arimathiais thäs Jude Pillis / 27: wens bagatcz Wyrs / wens godyx Rate§kunx / wens |
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