Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 87. lpp.
1: Patte§e es ßacku thöw / Schodene
2: buus thöw ar man exkan tho Parady§e 3: buuth : Vnde apkärth tho Sze§te §tunde / Tappe 4: wena Tum§§iba pär tho wü§§e Semme ys tho döuwi- 5: the{döuwi the} Stunde / vnde ta Soule pa§§udde ßouwe Spi- 6: dumme. Vnde apkärth to döuwite Stunde / ßoudtcze 7: JE§us §kannige vnde ßatczy : ELI, ELI, LAMA- 8: ASABTHANI ? Thas gir vs muße Wallode 9: ßatcytcz : 10: Mans{Mams} Dews / mans Dews / Ka- 11: peetcz e§§e tu man at§tays ? Beth the czitte / 12: Kattre tur §tawey / kad the tho czirdey / ßatczy the / tas 13: ßoutcz Eliam. Peetcz tho / Kad JE§us ßynnaye kha 14: wü§§as lethas Jow pabeicktas by / ka tas Raxtcz pepül- 15: dytcz tapte / ßatcy thas : 16: Man twyxt : Thad §tawey tur wens Troux 17: pülns Etticke / vnde tudelin tetczey wens nho thims / 18: yeme wene Schwamme / Vnde pueldey tho ar Ecke 19: vnde J§op / vnde dure tho vs wene Nedre / vnde thur- 20: reye tho tam py tho Mutte vnde czirdye tho / vnde ßat- 21: cy ar tims czittims / Laid redtczeeth / ia Elias naks / 22: vnde tho Semmen no yems. Kad nu JE§us to Eticke / 23: py ßöw yemis by / ßatcy tas : 24: Tas gir pepüldytcz. Vnde thas ßoucze 25: whel wene kärth §kannige vnde ßatcy : |
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