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EvEp1615, 85. lpp.

1: ßatcys gir / Es e§me to Jude Köninx. Pilatus adbilde-
2: ye / Ko es raxtis e§me / to e§me es raxtis.
3: Te Karye kalpe / Kad te JE§us Kru§tan ßittu§che
4: bye / yeme the winges Drebes / Vnde darrie czettrus
5: dallus / Jckwenam Kariekalpam{Kariekalpan} wene dalle / vnde ar-
6: ridtczan thös Szwärckes. Beth the Szwarcke by ne-
7: §chute / vnde by no wür§§e au§ti czour vnde czour. Tad
8: ßatcy te §tarpan ßöw / Nelaideth mums thös ßagre§th /
9: Beth pär tems kouletes kam te pederres / ka tas Raxtz
10: tapte pepüldytcz / katters ßack / The gir mannes Dre-
11: bes §tarpan ßöw dalli§che vnnde gir paer mannems
12: Szwärkems koule§ches. Vnd §zeedey tur / vnde pa§zar-
13: gaye tho. Tho darrie the Kariekalpe. Vnde the loudis
14: §taweye vnde peluuckoye.
15: Beth tur §taweye py to kru§te JE§u / winge Ma-
16: the / vnde winge Mathes Ma§za / Maria Cleophas
17: ga§pa§§che / vnde Maria Magdalena. Kad nu JE§us
18: §zouwe Mathe redtczeye / vnde tho Macekle tur kläth
19: §tawoti / Kattro tas mile turreye / §zatcy tas vs §zouwo
20: Mathe :
21: Szewe / rouge tas gir touws Dhels.
22: Peetcz tho ßatcy thas vs tho Maetcekle :
23: Rouge tha gir touwa Mathe : Vnde no tho
24: patte Stunde / yeme tas Maetceklis to py §zöw.
25: Beth the kattre czetczen gaye / §zaimoye tho / vnde
26: krattye §zouwas Galwas / vnd §zatcy : Phuy thöw / kha


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