Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 84. lpp.
1: Beth tur tappe arridtczan nowe§ti döuwi czitti
2: Lounedarritaye / Ka the ar tho no mäckte tapte. 3: Vnde te wedde to py tho Wete / Kattra dewe vs 4: Jude wallode Golgatha / Tas gir vs muße Wallode / 5: Thas Karratukalns / vnde the döuwe tam Eticke / ar 6: Myrrhen exkan Wyne czerth / ar Sulckte Szamaißi- 7: tu. Vnde kad thas to boudy / nhe gribbey thas czerdth. 8: Vnde te ßitte tho Kru§tan / py to wete Golgata / Vnde 9: duewe Lounedarritayos ar to / wenu py to labbe Roke / 10: vnde otru py to kreyße Roke / beth JE§um tur wüddon. 11: Vnde tas Raxcz{Raxccz} gir pepüldytcz / katters ßacke : 12: Tas gir §tarpan tems Lounedarritayems lagadytcz. 13: Vnde ta by tha tre§§che Stunde / kad te to Kru§tan ßit- 14: te. Beth JE§us ßatcy / 15: Thews pammeth tho thims / ai§to the 16: nhe ßin ko te darre : Beth Pilatus raxty wene 17: wür§§e raxte / Thur by exkan raxtitcz / ta Waine win- 18: ga Nawes / vnnde kade Wayne the tham döuwe / 19: Vnde licke tho wür§§on tho Kru§te / Wür§§on / py winge 20: Galwe / Beth tur by ta raxtitcz : JE§us no Naza- 21: reth tho Jude Köninx. Scho Wür§§eraxte laßi 22: doudtcze Jude loudis / Ai§to tha Weta by tuwe py thas 23: Pills kur JE§us Kru§tan ßy§tz by / Vnde tas by rax- 24: titcz / Vs Judi§ke / Greki§ke / vnde vs Latini§ke wallo- 25: de. Tad ßatcy te Auxteba§nitczekunge tho Jude vs 26: Pilatum / Nee raxte tho Jude Köninge / Beth ka tas |
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