Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 83. lpp.
1: tho Czetumme emhe§tz by / par kattre the ludtcze. Beth
2: JE§um ßa§chou§to / vnde apmheditu nodöuwe tas exan 3: winge gribbe§chenne / ka tas kru§tan ßi§tz tapte. 4: TAd yem the Kariekalpe JE§um / vnde y§wilke 5: tham to Szyde drebe / vnde apwilke tham winge 6: pa§§che drebe / vnde ys whedde tho / Ka the to kru§tan 7: ßi§te / vnde tam by ßouwe patte Kru§te ne§th. Vnde ex- 8: kan to kad the tur aran gaye / attradde the wene Czil- 9: wheke / Katters tur czetczenne gaya no Kyrene / ar wär- 10: de Simon / Katters no tho louke nätce / katters wens 11: Thews by Alexandri vnd Ruffi / tho §pede eth / Ka tam 12: winge kru§te ne§t bye / vnde the licke to kru§te vs tho / ka 13: tas tho JE§um peetcz ne§te. 14: Beth tham §taigaya peetcz wena lela kopa Lou- 15: des / vnde Szewes / the abßeeloyas vnde aproudaye 16: to. Beth JE§us greh§es ßöw apkärth vs thems vnde 17: ßatcy : Juus Meytes no Jeru§alem / nhe roudeth / paer 18: man / Beth roudeth pär yums pattems / vnd pär yuu- 19: §e Beernems. Ai§to rougeth / Tas layx nätczys / exkan 20: kattre the ßatcys / Sweete gir the Nheauglige / Vnde 21: täs Meßas / Kattre nhe peczimmu§che{peczimmuch§e} gir / vnde thas 22: krutis / Kattre Neeßidamme büwu§§che gir. Ai§to 23: tad the e§atczys ßatczith vs thems Kalnems / Kryt- 24: teth vs mums / vnnde vs thems ma§§ems Kalnems / 25: apklayeth mums. Ai§to Ja the nu tho darre / 26: py tho Szalye koke / Kas grib thad py tho Szack- 27: kaltu§§che notickt ? |
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