Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 80. lpp.
1: pär Barrabam luuckt bye / Vnde JE§um nho koute.
2: Tad adbildey thas Semmeßoge / vnde ßatcy vs tims / 3: Kattre gribbeth yuus nho §chims duewims kattre es 4: yums ßwabbade buus doth ? Thad breedtcze ta wü§§a 5: Kopa / vnde ßatcy / No§th ar §cho / vnde dode mums 6: Barrabam ßwabbade. Tad ßoutce Pilatus whel we- 7: ne kärth vs thims / vnde gribbeye JE§um ßwabbade 8: lay§t / vnde ßatcy : Ko buus man tad darrith ar JE§u / 9: Katters Chri§tus dewe ? The bredtcze whel wairack / 10: Szitte tho kru§tan / ßitte to kru§tan. Beth thas ßatcy 11: tre§§chan kärtan / Ko gir thas thad loune darrys ? Es 12: nhe attrome nhe wene waine thäs Nawes py tho / Ta- 13: peetcz grib es tho pammaczyt / vnde ßwabbade lay§th. 14: Beth the breedtcze whel wayrack / vnde ßatcy : Szitte 15: to kru§tan. Vnde the §pede tho lothe ar lele breeck§chen- 16: ne / vnde gribeye ka thas kru§tan ßi§tz tapte / vnde win- 17: gu / vnde tho Auxteba§nitczekungu breeck§chenna yeme 18: vswarree§chenne. 19: Thad yeme Pilatus JE§um vnde §choute to / beth 20: the Karyekalpe tha Semmeßoges / wedde tho exkan to 21: Szodibe namme / vnde ßoutce kopan tho wü§§e kope / 22: vnde wilke tho aran / vnde licke tham wene darge Szi- 23: de Mhetelle apkärth / vnd pinne wene Krone no Ehr- 24: §chims / vnde licke tho tham vs winga Galwu / Vnde 25: doeuwe tham wene Nedre exkan winge labbe Roke / 26: vnde lotczye thös czeels pre§chan tho / vnde apmhedye 27: tho / vnde e§zake tho Szummenath / vnd §zatcy Dews |
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