Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 79. lpp.
1: ka tas to Nawe pelnis gir / Tapeetcz grib es tho pam-
2: maczith / vnde tho ßwabbade lai§th. 3: Beth vs tho Leledene Sweetke / bye tam Sem- 4: meßogam peetcz tho Eraddumme / tems Loudems we- 5: ne guu§tite ßwabbade doth / Kattre the gribbey. 6: Beth tham by than laikan wens Czetuman / 7: thas by lothe apkudenätcz / Ar wärde wens loune- 8: darritays vnde Szlepkous / Thas dhewe Barrabas / 9: Katters ar thims Lounedarritayems by exkan tho 10: Czetumme emee§tcz / Katters exkan Dumpe / Kattre 11: exkan tho Pille noticke / Wene Szlepkouwibe darrys 12: by. Vnde the Loudis gaya auxkan vnde luudtcz / Ka 13: thas darrithe / Kha thas eraddys by. Vnde kad the 14: ßagaiu§§che{ßaguiu§§che} by / adbildey Pilatus / yums gir wens 15: Eraddums / Ka es yums vs leledene wene §wabba- 16: de domo ? Kattre gribbeth yuus / Ka es yums ßwabba- 17: de domo ? Barrabam / Jeb JE§um tho Köninge tho 18: Judelou§cho / Kattre the Chri§tum dewe ? Ai§to thas 19: ßinnaye ganne / Ka tho the Auxteba§nitczekunge aran 20: Enaidibe nodoeuwu§che bye. 21: Vnde khad thas vs tho Szodibe Kreßele ßedeye 22: ßuutye winga Ga§pa§§che py to / Vnde licke tham ßat- 23: cyth. Thöw nhe buus neeneke darryth ar §cho Tai§- 24: nige / Es e§me §chodene doudtcze czetu§§i exkan ßapne / 25: nho winga pu§§es. 26: Beth the Auxteba§nitczekunge / vnde the Whet- 27: czake pär treßeye vnde ßakudye thös loudes / Ka tems |
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