Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 78. lpp.
1: Beth kad Pilatus Galileam czirdey / Joutaye
2: tas yeb tas aran Galilea by / Vnde kad tas nomanny / 3: Ka tas ape§kan Herodes Wal§tibe pederrey / §uuty tas 4: to py Herodes / Katters exkan tims pattims denams 5: arridtczan exkan Jeru§alem bye. 6: Beth kad Herodes JE§um redtczeye / tappe tas 7: lothe lyxmis / Ai§to tas gribbeye tho Jow ßenne lab- 8: prate redtczeth / Ai§to thas by doudtze no to czirdeys / 9: vnde czerreye / Ka thas wene Szime no to redtczete / 10: vnde thas Joutaye tham da§§chadas lethas. Beth tas 11: nhe adbildeye tham neeneke. Beth the Auxteba§nitcze- 12: kunge vnde Raxtemaecetaye §tawey vnd ap§uudtczeye 13: to lothe warrene. Beth Herodes ar ßouwe Muyße 14: Sayme §zaimoye vnde apmhedye tho / apwilke tham 15: wene balte Dreebe / vnde ßuuty tho atkal vs Pilato. 16: Vs tho dene tappe Pilatus vnde Herodes drouge 17: atkal kopan / Ai§to päprexke by the §tarpan ßöw E- 18: naydeneke. 19: Beth Pilatus ßoutce tös Auxteba§nitczekunges 20: vnde Wuerßenekes / Vnde thös Loudes wenan ko- 21: pan / Vnde ßatcy vs thims : Juus e§§et §cho Czilwhe- 22: ke py man atweddu§§che / Ka wene / katters thös Lou- 23: des nogre§che / vnde rougeth / es e§me to J§kloußis / vnd 24: nhe attrome py tho Czilwheke nho to Waine / ar kat- 25: tre yuus tho apßuudtczath / Nedtcz arridtczan Hero- 26: des / Ai§to es e§me tho py yums ßutys / vnde rougeth 27: the nhe gir neeneke warrey§che par tho ßuudtczeth / |
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