Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 76. lpp.
1: gir czour to Prophete Jeremiam / lydtcz ka tas ßacke /
2: The gir yemu§§che tri§de§mette Szüeddrabe koußes / 3: ar kattre thas pärdodtcz vnd nomackßatcz tappe / Kat- 4: tre the pirke / no tems Beernems J§rael / vnde gir thös 5: döuwü§§che par wena Podeneka tyrumme / ka man tas 6: Kunx pawheleis gir. 7: Beth the Jude loudis nhe gaye exkan tho Szodi- 8: benamme ka the nee§ki§te nee tapte / Beth to Leledene 9: yeere eh§t warreth. Tad gaye Pilatus py tims aran / 10: vnde ßatcy : Kade Szuudczibe atneßeth yuus prettibe 11: §cho Czilwheke ? The adbildey vnde ßatcy vs tho / Nhe 12: buute §chis wens Loune darritais / Mhes neebutem 13: tho thöw nodoeuwu§§che / Tad ßatcy Pilatus vs tims / 14: Tad yemmeth yuus tho vnd ßoddigeth tho peetcz yuu- 15: §e Boußle : Thad ßatcy te Jude loudis vs to : Mhes 16: needri§tam newenu nokouth. Ka pepüldytcz tapte tas 17: Wärdtcz JE§u / Kattre thas ßatcy / Kad tas J§licke / 18: Kade Nawe tam mürth by. 19: Tad eßacke the Auxteba§nitczekunge vnd te Whet- 20: czake tho lothe apßuudtczet / vnde ßatcy / Scho attro- 21: dam mhes ka tas thös Loudis nogre§che / vnde ay§ledt- 22: cze tho Muyto tam Key§eram nee doth. Vnnde ßack / 23: Ka tas gir Chri§tus / wens Köninx. Tad gaya Pila- 24: tus atkal tur exan to Szodibenamme / Vnde §outcze 25: JE§um / vnde youtaye tam / vnde ßatcy : E§§e tu tho 26: Judelou§che Köninx ? JE§us §taweye prexkan to / vnd 27: adbildey / tre§tu to no thöw pattim / yeb gir thöw czitte 28: no man ßatcy§che. |
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