Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 75. lpp.
1: Vnde{VVde} ta wü§§e kopa czeeles auxkam / vnde ßaßeye
2: JE§um / wedde tho prexkan Caipha / Prexkan 3: tho Szodibe Namme / vnde nodöuwe tho tham 4: Semmeßogam Pontio Pilato / Vnnde thas by whel 5: aggre. 6: Kad tho Judas / Kas tho pewilis by / redtczey / 7: Ka thas pa§§uddenatcz by tay Nawe by thas tham 8: ßeele / vnd atne§§e tös tri§de§mette Szüeddrabe kou§es 9: thems Auxteba§nitczekungems / vnde thems Weetcza- 10: kems atkal / vnde ßatcy : Es e§me loune darrys / Ka es 11: neeno§§egu§§che A§§enne pewilis e§me. The ßatcye / 12: Ko pe eth thas mums ? Tu peluko tho. Vnde thas 13: mhette thös Szüddrabe koußes exkan tho Ba§nitcze / 14: gaya no turrenes no§th / Vnde packares ßöw patcz / 15: vnde gir wueddon pu§§che §pradtczis / vnde gir ßouwe 16: Ex§che y§krattis. 17: Beth te Auxteba§nitcekunge yeme tös ßüddrabe 18: koußes / vnde ßatcy / tas nhe der / Ka mhes tös exan to 19: Dewe §kir§te dodam / Ai§to ta gir a§§enne Nouda. 20: Beth the thurrey wenas Runnas / Vnde pircke 21: pär tems Szüddrabbe koußems / Par tho neetai§nige 22: Alge wene Podeneke tyrumme / paer aprack§chenne 23: thös ßwe§§cheneckos. Vnde tas gir ßinnams tappis / 24: wü§§ems kattre exan Jeru§alem cziwo / tha Ka thas 25: patcz Tyrums dhewetcz tope Vs Judi§ke wallode / 26: Hackeldama / Tas gir / wens A§§enne tyrums / Js §cho 27: patte dene. Tha gir pepüldytcz / Katters tur ßatcys |
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