Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 74. lpp.
1: Drebes / vnde ßatcy / Thas gir Dewe ßaimois / Kade
2: gir mums wairack Ledtczibe wayage / Rougeth taga- 3: din e§§eth yuus winge Dewe ßaimo§chenne czirdei§che ? 4: Kho domath yuus ? Beth the paßudenaye to wü§§e / 5: vnde ßatcy. Tas gir tho Nawe noßedtczis. Beth the 6: Wyre kattre JE§um thurreye apmhedye tho / Vnnde 7: §plawe aran exkan winge Waige / Vnde ßitte tho ar 8: Durems. Beth the czitte ay§klaye tho {?} / vnde ßitte tam 9: exkan winge Waige / ßawi§ke te Kalpe / vnde ßatcy / 10: Szacke mums Chri§te / Kas tas gir / kas thöw ßitte ? 11: Vnde doudtcze czitte Szaimo§chenne / ßatczy the preti- 12: be tho. 13: Beth tan Rytan / ßagaye wü§§e Auxteba§nitcze- 14: kunge / Raxtmaetczetaye / vnd Weetczake tho Lou§cho / 15: vnde te wü§§e Runnekunge / vnde thurrey wenas Run- 16: nas pär JE§um / Kha te tho nokouthe / vnde wedde tho 17: auxkam prexkan ßouwems Runnes Kungems / vnde 18: ßatcy : Es tu Chri§tus ? Szacke mums / Beth thas 19: ßatcy vs tems : Szacke es tho yums / tad nhe titczeth 20: yuus / Beth youtaye es yums / tad nhe adbildeth yuus 21: man / vnde nhe laideth man tomher ßwabbade. Ta- 22: peetcz no §cho laike ßeedes tha Czilwheke Dhels py to 23: labbe Roke / tho Dewe Speeke. Tad ßatcy te wü§§e / 24: E§§e tu tad Dewe Dhels ? Tas ßatcy vs tims / Juus 25: ßacketh / Ai§to es e§me. Beth the ßatcy / Kas wayage 26: mums wayrack Ledtczibe ? Mhes e§§em pa§§che czirdei- 27: §che aran winge Mutte. |
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