Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 73. lpp.
1: man trys kärthe ay§lex / Vnde J§gaye / vnde rouda-
2: ye gau§che. 3: Beth the Auxteba§nitczekunge vnde the Wetcza- 4: ke / vnde the wü§§e Runne§kunge / meckleye{mackleye} wiltige 5: Ledtczybe prettibe JE§um / Ka the to nokoute / vnde nhe 6: attrade neewene waine / Ja tomher doudtcze wiltige 7: Ledtczeneke kläth naetcze / Ai§to wingu Ledtcziba nhe 8: by wenada. Peedige nätcze duewe wiltige Ledtczeneke 9: klathe / vnde doeuwe wiltigu Ledtczibu prettibe tho / vnd 10: ßatcy : Mhes eh§§em czirdei§che : Ka thas ßatcy / Es 11: war vnd grib tho Dewe Ba§nitcze / Kattra ar Rokams 12: darrita gir / ßalou§t / vnd exkan trims Denams weno 13: czittu taißith / Kattra nhe gir ar Rokams darrita. Beth 14: wingu Ledtcziba nee by wenada. 15: Vnd tas Auxteba§nitczekunx czeeles auxkam §tar- 16: pan tims / vnde Joutaye JE§um vnde ßatcy : Adbilde 17: tu neneke vs tho / Ka §che prettibe thöw ledtczena ? Beth 18: JE§us czete klu§§e / vnde nee adbildey neeneke. 19: Tad youtaye tam tas Auxteba§nitczekunx whel 20: wenekärte / vnde ßatcy vs to : Es tu Chri§tus / Thas 21: Dhels ta auxte teitczamme ? Es pe§pe§che thöw py tho 22: cziwe Dewe / Ka tu mums ßacke / Ja tu e§§e Chri§tus / 23: tas Dewe Dhels. JE§us ßatcy / tu ßack to / Es e§me. 24: Tomher ßack es yums / no §cho laike yuus tho Czilwe- 25: ke Dhele ßeedithe redtczeßeth / py to labbe Roke ta Spe- 26: ke / vnd nakamme exkan to paddebbe§§e to Debbes. 27: Tad ßapleeße tas Auxteba§nitczekunx ßouwes |
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