Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 71. lpp.
1: by wene ogle vggunne darri§che Semmen wüddon
2: exkan tho Namme / Ai§to thas by auk§te{au§te} vnde ßildias 3: ßöw. Beth Petrus §thawey py thims / vnde ßildias 4: ßöw / Ka thas redtczete / Khas §cheitan gribbeete no- 5: tickt. Beth tha Kalpune Tha Auxte ba§nitczekunge / 6: Ta Durwe Szargataya redtczey Petrum py to Gai§- 7: me / Kad tas ßöw ßildias / vnde lukoyas vs to / vnde 8: ßatcy : Vnde tu by arridtczan ar §cho JE§u nho Ga- 9: lilea / Nhe e§tu arridtczan §cha Czilwheke Maetceklis 10: wens ? Beth thas ay§ledtcze to prexkan wü§§ims / vnde 11: ßatcy / Szewes waardtcz / es neepaßi§te tho es arridt- 12: czan nhe ßinno / ko tu ßack. 13: Beth tas Auxtz ba§nitczekunx Joutaye JE§um / 14: pär winge Maetceklims / vnde paer winge Macibe. 15: JE§us adbildey tham / Es e§me §wabbadde vnde 16: §kaidre treßeis prexkan tho pa§§oule / Es e§me alla§in 17: macys exkan tho Skole / Vnde exkan tho Ba§nitcze / 18: Kur wü§§e Jude loudis kopan nätcze / vnde nhe eh§§me 19: neeneke exkan tho kackte treßeys / Ko youta tu man 20: peetcz tho ? Jouta thems kattre man czirdei§che gir / 21: Ko es treßeys eh§§me / Rouge / The pa§§che ßin ko es 22: ßatcys eh§§me. Beth kad thas tha treßey / doeuwe 23: wens Szullains / Katters thur klathe §tawey JE§um 24: wene Wayge ßittenne / vnde ßatcy / buus thöw tham 25: Auxteba§nitczekungam tha adbildeth ? JE§us adbil- 26: dey eh§§me es loune treßeis / Tad parade tho Ka thas 27: nhe tai§ne gir / Beth e§me es te§cham treßeys / ka peetcz |
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