Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 70. lpp.
1: Vnde tur by wens Maetceklis / Thas §taigaye
2: tham peetcz thas by ar Lynne wadmalle aptherptcz / 3: vs tho kayle Meße / Vnde the Kalpe guu§ty tho / Beth 4: thas licke tho Lynnewadmalle §pruckth / Vnde beetcze 5: Nöx notims. 6: BEth tha kopa vnde wür§egalweneke vnde the 7: Kalpe Tho Judelou§cho / yeme JE§um / Vnde 8: ßeie tho / Vnde wedde tho wü§§e pirmacke py Han- 9: nas / Thas by Caiphas ßnodtcz / katters tho Gaddu 10: Auxteba§nitcekunx by. Beth Caiphas by thas / Kat- 11: ters thems Judeloudems paddome doeuwe / Thas 12: buuthe labbe / Ka wens Czilwhex tapte nho maecktcz 13: paer thems loudems. 14: Vnde the wedde tho py tho Auxteba§nitczekunge 15: Caiphas (Tas gir / py tho auxtekunge yeb wür§eneke 16: tho ba§nitczekungu) Kur ßöw wü§§e Auxteba§nitcze- 17: kunge / vnd Raxtmaetcetaye vnd whetczake §agaiu§§che 18: by. Beth Simon Petrus §taigaye JE§um peetcz / 19: nho talenes / Vnde wens czitcz Maetceklis / Js tho 20: Namme tha Auxteba§nitczekunge. Tas patcz by tham 21: Auxteba§nitczekungam pa§§i§tams / vnd gaya ar JE§u 22: exkan / Exkan tho Auxteba§nitczekunge Namme. Beth 23: Petrus §thawey aran prexkan tho Durwe. Thad gay 24: tas oters Maetceklis / Katters tham Auxtam ba§nit- 25: czekungam paßi§tams by / aran / vnde treßey{terßey} ar tho 26: Durwe ßargetaya / vnd wedde Petrum exkan. 27: Beth the Kalpe vnde Szullaine §taweye vnnde |
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