Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 7. lpp.
1: Kad te nogaye / e§aka JE§us / treßeet / vs tems
2: loudems no Johanne / Ko e§§et yuus i§gai§che exkan to 3: Tuxni§§e tur redtczeth ? Gribbet yuus wene Nedre redt- 4: czeth / kattre tas Wheys turpe vnde §churpe §choube ? 5: Jeb ko e§§eth yuus i§gai§che redtczeth ? Gribbeeth yuus 6: wene Czilwheke exkan mixtims drebims redtczeth ? 7: Rouget / Kattre tur myxthas dreebes neßa / Te gir ex- 8: kan tims Köninge Nammims. Jeb ko e§§et yuus i§ga- 9: i§che tur redtczeth ? Gribbeth yuus wene Prophete redt- 10: czeth ? Ja es ßack yums / Katters arridtczan wayrs 11: gir neka wens Prophetz. Ai§to §chis gir / No kattre rax- 12: titz §thawe / Rouge / es §uute manne Engel prexkan 13: thöw / Kattram touwe Czelle / pre§chan thöw ßattai- 14: §ith buus. 15: Die Epi§tel auff den Vierden Son- 16: tag des Aduents Phillip. 4. Cap. 17: MYlige Brale / preczetes yums exkan to kun- 18: ge allaßin / vnde whel wene kattre ßacke es / 19: preczates yums / Juu§e Laipnibe laideth 20: ßinnamme buuth wü§§ims czilwhekims / Tas Kunx 21: gir tuwe klathe / Nhe gadayeth neeneke / Beth exkan 22: wü§§ims letims / laideth yuu§e Lück§chenne exkan no- 23: lück§chenne vnd peßouck§chenne / ar patteiczibe prex- 24: kan Dewe ßinnamme tapt / Vnd thas Dewe Mers / 25: Katters auxtax gir neeka wü§§a ßappra§§chen / pa§§ar- 26: ge yuu§§es Szirdes vnd prathe exkan Chri§to JE§u. |
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