Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 68. lpp.
1: thas nu py ßöw yemis by / tho kope / vnd karyekalpes /
2: thös Auxteba§nicekunges vnde Phari§eeres / Thös 3: Wetczakos vnde Raxtmacetaios / gaya thas prexkan 4: tho droudtcze / vnd naetcze tur / ar vggunne §wetczims / 5: vnde ar Sobennims / vnd ar da§§chadems Erotczems. 6: Beth tas Wiltenex by tems wene Syme döu- 7: wis vnde ßatcys / Kattre es §kup§ti§cho / Thas gir / tho 8: guu§teth / weddeth vnde thurreth tho §tippre. Kad nu 9: JE§us §ynnaye wü§§as lethas kas tam notickt bye / ga- 10: ya tas aran / vnde ßatcy vs thems. Ko meckleyet yuus ? 11: The adbildey tam JE§um no Nazareth. JE§us ßatcy 12: vs tems : es e§me. 13: Beth Judas / kas tho pewile / §thawey arridt- 14: czan py thems. Kad nu JE§us vs tems ßatcy / Es e§me / 15: kritte te atpackal py Semmes. Tad youtaye tas tems 16: whel wen kärte / Ko meckleyet yuus ? Beth the ßatcy : 17: JE§um no Nazareth. JE§us adbildey / es e§me yums 18: ßatcys / Ka es tas e§me{e§moe} . Meckleyet yuus man / Thad 19: laydet §chös edth / Ka tas Wärdtcz pepüldytcz tapte / 20: Kattre thas ßatcy / Es nhe eh§§me no thims nhe wene 21: pa§§uddis / kattros tu man döuwis e§§i. 22: Vnde Judas §teyczes ßöw py JE§u ka thas tho 23: ßkup§tyte / vnd tudelin gaya thas py tho / vnde ßatcy : 24: Summenätcz e§tu Rabbi. Vnde ßkup§tye tho. Beth 25: JE§us ßatcy vs tho / Mans Droux / Kapeetcz{Kepeetcz} e§tu 26: §cheit nätczys / O Juda / pewil tu to Czilwheka Dhelu / 27: ar wene Szkup§ti§chenne ? Tad gaye the py to / vnd pe- 28: licke täs Rokes py JE§um / vnd gu§tye to. |
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