Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! CC1585, 6. lpp.
1: Ko dhew vnd gir tha
2: Catholi§che Ba§nedce? 3: THa gir wene red§ame 4: droud§ibe / no thems / 5: kattre tho §chwete Chru§ti- 6: be enak / vnd dabbo / tho 7: patte§e vnde §ki§te titcibe 8: Chri§ti ad§i§t / vnd §ceu par 9: auwing taes ammate wal- 10: dotaies / taes Schwetes Pe- 11: tri exan Chri§ti wete / ad§i§t 12: vnd isdoed. Rom. 12.1. Cor. 13: 12. Johan. 21. 14: Kattre gir the paprek§che 15: Galwe Gabble / no kattre 16: wenam Chri§titam bues 17: pammacitam tapt? 18: Te gir §che peetcz? 19: Milijb / Sacramentes / vn- 20: de Chri§tite tai§nibe. 1. Cor. 21: 13. 1. Pet. 3. |
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