Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 53. lpp.
1: zebub / To wür§eneke tho Whelne / Beth te czitte kärde-
2: naye tho / vnde meckleye wene Syme no tho no debbes. 3: Beth tas no mannye wingu doma§chennes / vnde 4: ßatcy vs tems / yckwena wal§tiba / Kad ta ar ßöw pat- 5: tim enaidan thope / Tha thope poo§ta / Vnnde 6: wens Nams kryte würßon to otre. Gir tad tas Sata- 7: nas arridtczan ar ßöw pattim enaidan / Ka grib tad 8: wynge wal§tibe pa§thaweet ? Peetcz to ka yuus ßacket / 9: Es ysczen~e tös Whelnes czour Beelzebub. Beth kad es 10: thös Welnes czour Bellzebub{Beezebub} J§czen~o / czour ko J§cen tös 11: tad yuu§e Bhirni ? Tapeetcz buus tems yuu§e note§eta- 12: yems buth. Beth kad es czour tho Dewe pyr§te thös 13: Whelnes y§cen~o / tad nake yo ta Dewe wal§tibe py yu~s. 14: Kad wens §tippraax abbrunyotz ßouwe Pille 15: paßarge / tad pallecke winga pils ar mhere. Beth kad 16: wens §tippraax pär tho nake / vnde v§war to / Tad pa- 17: yem thas tham winge Brunyias / vs kattre thas ßöw 18: pallaides / vnd J§dalle tho Loupi§chenne / Kas ar man 19: neegir / Thas gir prettibe 20: man. Vnde kas neeßakra 21: ar man / tas J§baar§te. 22: Kad tas ne§ky§tz Gars 23: no to Czilwheke J§broudt- 24: cze / Tad czour §taiga tas 25: ßackaltu§ches wetes / meck- 26: le du§§chenne / vnde nhe at- 27: trode tho. Tad §ack tas / Es |
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