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EvEp1615, 5. lpp.

1: the Jßlouzaas / thad redtczath yuus py tems / vnde
2: nomanneth / Ka ta Wa§§ara tuwe klathe gir. Tha
3: yuus arridtczan / Kad yuus tho wu§§e redtczee§eet no-
4: tekamme / Thad §innath ka ta Dewe wal§tibe tuwe kla-
5: the gir. Patte§e / es ßack yums. Schis Radtcz nhe
6: t§§uddys tekams §chis wü§§e notix. Debbes vnd Sem-
7: me pa§§uddis / beth mans Wärds nhe ßuddys.
8: Beth ßargates yums / ka yuu§es Szirdes Nhe
9: thope abgrutenate ar ri§chenne / vnde leke czerr§chenne /
10: vnde ar Gadybams tas v§turre§chennes / vnd §cha de-
11: ne nake pepe§§che pär yums. Ai§to lidtcz ka wens ßla-
12: §te Walx thas natczys / Pär wü§§ems kattre würßon
13: Semmes cziwo. Tha e§§et nu modrige allaßin / vnde
14: luudtczet / Ka yuus czenige warreet tapt / yßbeeckt
15: wü§§ems §chems / Kattrems notickt buus / vnd prexkan
16: tho Czilwheke Dhele §thaweet.
17: Die Epi§tel auff den Dritten Son-
18: tag des Aduents / 1 Corinth. 4.
19: MYlige Brale / Pär tadems thur
20: mums yckwens / ar warde / Pär
21: Chri§tus kalpems vnde Namme
22: thurretayems / Par Dewe apßlee-
23: pybe / Nu nhe thope wayrs meckletz
24: py tems Nammethurretayems / ka-
25: wen tas / Ka the petitzamme attra§te thope. Beth es
26: thur tho par ma§§e lethe / ka es nho yums te§atcz thope /


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