Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! LS1625, 4v. lpp.
1: Ja wens wene ammatte brahle jeb mei§terre meyte
2: jeb attraitne dabbohte, war tahs pußes ar tam tahs 3: leetes §auwade buth, ar §inna§chen ta ammatte kunge 4: §aliedczena§chen vnd neh czittad, ka tas §cheit py mei§te- 5: rems wü§§e ma§§ack wene puß gadde par weno 6: §elle §trahdais gir, vnd arriedczan puß ottre gadde, 7: aran tahs mahtziebes büwis. 8: 15. 9: Pehtz tho ka arriedczan j§§chim lels therings ar to 10: exan pirck§chen vnd ammatte kah§ems prexanbüwis 11: tha ka wü§§e kattre to ammatte epircktes egribbei§ch 12: lothe auxt ap§udczei§ches, vnd neneke tay pilley, nedcz 13: tam ammattam jeb zittade kam to verbehterei§che 14: jeb labback darrie§che, beth wüße nu gir j§tehrehte 15: jeb pa§§uddu§che, tad gir tas ammatz würßon ticku§che 16: peminne§chen vnd lab vßluhko§chen tho ammatte kunge 17: norunnai§che, ka wens jauns enahckams mei§ters 18: katters to wü§§e ammatte eegrib py to laicke 19: kad e§chung jeb pflichtings §chas pills baßnietze orde- 20: ning weno dahler katters tam ammatte kungam 21: dohtz tohp tick liedcz arriedczan tam oldermannam 22: vnd wetzakems, ta ammatte 15. mk. vnd py vß- |
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