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EvEp1615, 49. lpp.

1: nolaides thöw Semmen / Ai§to tur §thawe raxtytz /
2: Thas ßouwims Engelims pär thöw pawhele§chenne
3: dhos / Vnde the thöw vs ßouwams rokams ne§§ys /
4: Kha tu teuwe kaye nhe py wene Ackmenne nodou§-
5: §e. Tad ßatcy JE§us vs to / Arridtczan §thawe rax-
6: tytz / Thöw nhe buus Dewe touwe Kunge kärden-
7: naath.
8: Atkal / Wedde tho tas Whelns ar §öw / vs we-
9: no lothi auxto Kalno / vnde radye tham wü§§e Bag-
10: gatibe thas paßoules / vnde wynge Godibe / vnde ßat-
11: cy vs tho / Tho grib es thöw wü§§e notul dhot / Ja tu
12: Semmen krittys / vnde peludtczys man. Tad ßatcy
13: JE§us vs tho / Bhedtz noh§t no man Satan / Ai§to
14: tur §thawe raxtytz / Thöw buus Dewe touwe Kunge
15: peluckt / Vnd tam wene kalpooth. Thad pallayde tho
16: tas Whelns / vnde rouge / Thad gaye te Engele py to /
17: vnde kalpooye tham.
18: Die Epi§tel am andern Sontage
19: in der Fa§ten / 1. The§§alo. 4. Cap.
20: JOproyam / mylige Brale / Ludt-
21: czam mhes yums vnd peminnam
22: exkan tho Kunge JE§u / Peetcz to
23: ka yuus no mums dabbui§§che e§-
24: §et / Ka yuus §taigaath buu§e / Vnd
25: Dewam patickt / Ka yuus allaßin
26: pülnige thopet. Ai§to yuus ßinnath / Kades Boußles


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