Vārdlietojuma konteksts


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CC1585, 43. lpp.

1: nems / wardems / vnde dar-
2: bems / vnde ahr nedarri-
3: §chen doud§es labbes darbes.
4: Ko bues tad taelaek
5: petcz §chems prek§che §caci-
6: tems wardems §caci-
7: tam taept?
8: Tad bues the apdomate vn-
9: de §inname greke / wu§ce / par-
10: rei§e / papulne / i§catitam
11: taept
12: Kad the greke nu ad§ie-
13: §te vnde i§cacite gir / ka bu-
14: es tha greke§caci§chen /
15: za§chlektam tapt?
16: AHr warde / ihten tha.
17: Kad tas greceneks wu-
18: §ces §ouwes grekes nu §cud-
19: §eis gir / buos tam Joproiam
20: §choes wardes turklaet peka-


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