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EvEp1615, 42. lpp.

1: wens auxtake thur / neka thas nho man redtcz / yeb
2: nho man czyrde.
3: Vnde ka es man tös auxtiges paradi§chennes ne
4: paauxtenayos / gir man dotcz wens Meetz exkan Me-
5: ße / Ar wärde tha Satanna Engels / Katters man ar
6: durems ßith / Tapeetcz ka es man nhe pa auxtenayos
7: Pär kattre es tad tho Kunge trißkaart ludtczis e§me /
8: Ka tas nho man bhekte. Vnde tas gir vs man ßatcys
9: Layde thöw manna ßeeleßtibe wayrack buth / Ai§to
10: manna §peetczibe gir exkan tims wayms warrena. Ta
11: peetcz grib es man wü§§e wayrake lelothes man~es wa-
12: gibes / Ka tas Speex Chri§ti py man czywo.
13: Euangelium am Sontage Sexage-
14: §ima / Luc. 8. Cap.
15: KAd nu doudtcze loudes wenam ko-
16: pan by / vnde aran tims Pillims py
17: tho §teidtczees / ßatcy tas czour wene
18: Lidtczibe. Wens Szeyeis J§gaye
19: ßouwe Szeekle ßhet / Vnde exkan to
20: kad tas ßeye / Kritte czitta
21: py tho Czelle vnde tappe
22: ßamita / Vnde the Putne
23: appe§kan tho Debbes / ap-
24: rye tho. Vnde czitta kritta
25: würßon tho Ackmenne /
26: vnde kad tha v§diga / ßack-


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