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EvEp1615, 41. lpp.

1: da§chenne / pärwü§§e / droudtczibe. Kas gir wagis / vnde
2: es nhe thope ways ? Kas thope apgretczitz / vnd es nhe
3: deggo ? Ja / kad es man lelothe / Tad grib es man man-
4: nes waybes lelothes. Dews vnde tas Thews muße
5: Kunge JE§u Chri§ti / Katters thur ßlaweetz gir mußi-
6: ge / Sin ka es nhe mello. Exkan Dama§co tas Sem-
7: meßoge tha Köninge Areta / Paßargaye tho Pylle
8: tho Dama§cer / vnde gribbey man guu§tyth. Vnde es
9: tappe exkan wene kurwe czour tho Logo aran pär tho
10: Mure nolay§tz / vnde y§bhego aran wingim rokims.
11: Tha lelo§chenne nhe gir man yo lab / Tomher
12: grib es näckt vs thems redtczammems / vnde parady-
13: tims lethims ta Kunge. Es paßi§te wene Czilwheke
14: exkan Chri§to / pirms czetterpadde§mette gaddems / gir
15: tas exkan tho Meße buiwis / Tad es tho nhe ßinno / yeb
16: gir tas aran tho Me§§e buiwis / Tad es tho arridtczan
17: nhe ßin / Dews ßin tho / Tas patcz tappe noroutcz / ex-
18: kan tho tre§§che Debbes. Vnde es paßi§te tho patti
19: Czilwheko / yeb tas exkan tho Meße yeb aran to Meße
20: buiwis gir / Tho es nhe ßinno / Dews ßin to. Tas tap-
21: pe noroucz exkan to Paradis / vnde czirdeye nhe y§tre-
22: §chammos wärdus / Katters newens czilwhex ßatcyth
23: war. No tho grib es man lelothes. Beth no man pat-
24: tim / nhe grib es man lelothes / Ka wen mannes way-
25: bes. Vnde kad es man lelothes gribbete / Nhe darryth
26: es tapeetcz yeckige / Ai§to es gribbet to te§cham ßatcyth.
27: Beth es nho thurros man tho tapeetcz / Ka man nee-


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