Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Manc1631_LGL, 394. lpp.
1: Nun la§tvns den Leib begraben.
2: NV laideeta mums to Mirroni aprackt / Par to nhe kahdu J§- 3: śami§śe§chanu turreht / Tas Jauna`=deena` attkal auk§cham 4: czell§śeeß / vnd nhe śatruhdähtz preek§chan nahx. 5: 2. Semme gir tas / vnd no tahs Semmes / Par Semm tas att- 6: kal taps / Vnd no tahs Semmes attkal auk§cham czellśeeß / Kad 7: Deewa Ba§une att§kannehs. 8: 3. Wiņja Dweh§śele d§iewo muh§chiege eek§chan Deewu / katters 9: to §cheit aran tyhras §chäla§tibas / No wi§śeems Ghräkeems vnd No- 10: §eegummeems / czaur śawu Dählu attpe§tiyis gir. 11: 4. Wiņja Bähdi / Nhelaimiba vnd Waidi / Gir dabbuyu§chi 12: śawu labbu ghallu / Wings gir ne§śis Chri§ti Naßtu / Gir nomirris 13: vnd d§iewo wehl. 14: 5. Ta Dweh§śele d§iewo beß wi§śas §uhd§e§chanas / Ta Mee§śa 15: ghull ihs tai Jaunai=deeni / Kad Deews to ap§kaidrohß / Vnd 16: muh§chigu Preeku tay dohß. 17: 6. Scheit gir tas Czillwäx bähdohß biyis / Bett turr tas att- 18: kall att§pirx / Eek§chan muh§chigu Preeku vnd Liexmibu / Spiedehs 19: ka ta §poh§cha Śaule. 20: 7. Nun att§tayam mehs to §cheit ghulloht / Vnd eetham mah- 21: yahs śawu czeļļu / śattai§śameeß arrid§an ar wi§śu Śirdi / Ai§to ta 22: Nahwe mums arrid§an pee=eedt. 23: 8. To pallieds mums CHri§tus mu§śo Preex / Katters mums 24: czaur śawu A§śini gir attpe§tiyis / No tha Wälla Spähku vnd muh- 25: §chigu Mohku / Tam gir Ślawa / Ghohtz vnd Patteitziba alla- 26: §chien / Amen. 27: So la§t vns den Leib behalten. 28: TAd laideeta mums to Mee§śu abghlabboht / Deews wiņja 29: Dweh§śel śarrgahß / Tas ween to apghahdahß / Ka wings to 30: §inna / bett mehs nhe prohtam. |
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