Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ps1615, 39. lpp.
1: Titz tu tho no ßirde duebben / vnde ad§i§t ar to Mutte / tad
2: e§tu pattes lab gattows / Vnnde tha Barribe touwe dwe§el 3: atwegloy. 4: Thew Augle nebus arridzan aran pallickt / touwe tuake bus 5: thew mileth / Ka tas touwe pallige war dabboth / Jten ka tows 6: Dews gir py tew darris. 7: Ein ander zur Communion. 8: GOTT §ey gelobet vnd gebenedeiet. 9: DEws gir §lawetz vnd alla§in Swetitz / kas mums patz 10: gir peedenaiß / ar §ouwe Me§§e vnde ar §ouwe a§§en / 11: to dod mums Kunx Dew par labbe / Kirielei§on. 12: Kunx czour touwe §wete vnde Darge Meß / kattre 13: no touwe Mathe Marien natze / vnde tas Swetz a§- 14: §ens / pallidz mums Kunx no wy§§ems Bedems / Kirielei§on. 15: Tha Swete Me§e gir par mums Nodotz / exkan Naw 16: ka meß czour to cziwoyam / nelelake ßele§tib warrey tas mums 17: §kinkoth / py to bus mums winge peminneth / Kirielei§on. 18: Kunx touwe Mylibe tha lele tow §pedu§§e gir / Ka tows 19: a§§ens py mums lele Brinum darrite / vnde maxate mu§e parra- 20: de / ka mums Dews gir tappis Droux / Kirielei§on. 21: Dews dod mums wu§§ems §ouwe §elige Swetum / Ka 22: mes etham vs winge czellems / exkan patte§e titzibe /vnde brali- 23: ge myle§tib / ka mums ta Barribe neßelo / Kirielei§on. 24: Kunx tows Swetz Gars mums mu§cham neat§tawe / 25: katters mums dode turreth patte§e Mere / ka touwe nabbag kru- 26: §tite droudczibe / Cziwo exkan Mer / vnnde wenam pratan / 27: Kirielei§on. |
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