Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 39. lpp.
1: kärth tho wenepadde§mette §tunde ßadderrethe by / vnd
2: yckwens dabbuye ßouwe Gro§§che. Beth kad the pir- 3: make nätce / czerrey te wairack dabbuuthe / vnd te dab- 4: buye arridtczan yckwens ßouwe Gro§§che. Vnde kad 5: the tho dabbuye / kurneye the prettibe tho Namme the- 6: we / vnde ßatcy / Sche peedige gir wene §tunde §trada- 7: i§che / vnde tu e§§e tös mums lydtcz darris / Kattre 8: mhes täs denes na§the / vnde tho kar§tumme czetu§§che 9: e§§em. 10: Beth tas adbildey / vnde ßatcy vs tho wene §tar- 11: pan thems / Mans droux. Es nhe darro thöw nhe 12: patte§e / Nhe e§tu ar man ßadderreys / Pär wene Gro§- 13: §che ? Jem kas tows gir / vnde ey no§th / Beth es grib 14: §chim peedigam doth lydtcz ka thöw. Jeb nhe gir man 15: walya darrith / Ko es grib / ar to manne ? Lukoyes tu 16: tapeetcz grey§e / Ka es ta labs e§me ? Ta taps the peedi- 17: ge te pirmake / vnd te pirmake the peedige. Ai§to doudt- 18: cze gir aytczenate / Beth ma§§e gir y§redtczhete. 19: Die Epi§tel am Sontage Sexage- 20: §ima / 2. Corinth. 11. Cap. 21: AJ§to yuus cze§chat tös Jeckes yeb nhe 22: ßapprattiges / labpraath / Peetcz to 23: ka yuus guddre e§§et. Juus ce§chat 24: kad yums ka§labban par kalpeems 25: dar / kad yums ka§labban{kas labban} dyra / kad 26: yums ka§labban exkan tho wayge |
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