Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ps1615, 38. lpp.
1: nu mums to Dewe enaide yem / czour §ouwe
2: Ruckte Moke pallidzey tas mu~s no to helle §ape. 3: Ka mhes mußam to neai§mir§tam / Deuwe tas mums §ou- 4: we me§e e§t / apßleptz exkan to Mai§e tha mas / Vnde §ouwe a§§en 5: czerth exkan Wine. 6: Kas grib §ew py to galde doth / tas abdomay lab vß §ou- 7: we lethe / Kaß neczenige §eit klat eth / par to cziwo§chen tas to Na- 8: we dabboy. 9: Thew{The} bus Dewe thewe §lawet / Ka tas tew tha lab grib- 10: bey Barioth / vnde par touwe lele No§egum / exkan tho Nawe{Newe} §ou- 11: we Dhele deuwis gir. 12: Thew bus titzet vnnde nei§mi§§et / Ka tas gir wen Barribe 13: tems Newe§§elems / Kattrems te ßirdes no grekems grute gir / vnd 14: nu Bailum gir §ami§te warren. 15: Tade lele lenib / vnde ßele§tibe / Meckley wen ßirde ar lele 16: §ape / gir thew lab tad palletz tur no§t / Ka tu nedabboy loune 17: alge. 18: Taß §ack patz natzet yus Nabbage / Laid man par yums ab- 19: §eloth / newens ar§t gir tam We§§alam wayage / winge darbs 20: top py to wuß wen §meckle. 21: Ka tu warreth thew to i§pelnit / Kas by tad wayage man 22: par thew nomirth / §chiß galtz arridzan thew ne maxay / ka tu thew 23: pattim palidzet grib. |
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