Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! EvEp1615, 36. lpp.
1: THas döuwe tims wene czitte Lydt-
2: czibe pre§chan / vnd ßatcy / Ta Deb- 3: be§§e wal§tibe gir lydtcz wenam Czil- 4: wekam / Katters labbe Szeekle vs 5: ßuowe Tyrum~e ßeeye. Beth kad the 6: loudes gulley / naetce wynge Enai- 7: denex / vnde ßeeye nickne Sale §tar- 8: pan thems Que§chims / vnde gaye tur no§t. Kad nu ta 9: Sale auga / vnde augles ne§§e / Tad attraddas arridt- 10: czan ta nickna Sale. Tad gaye the kalpe py to Nam- 11: methewe / vnde ßatcy / Kunx / nhe e§tu labbe ßeekle / vs 12: touwe Tyrumme §eegys ? No kurrenes gir tad ta nick- 13: ne Sale ? Tas ßatcy vs tims / tho gir tas Enaidenex 14: darris. Tad ßatcy the kalpe / grib tu tad / Ka mhes no 15: etham / vnde tho J§rawheyam ? Thas ßatcy / Nhe / 16: Tapeetcz ka yuus ne lidtcz 17: tös Que§chös nhe i§pluut- 18: czeeth / Kad yuus tho nick- 19: ne Sale J§rawhet. Lai- 20: deth thös abbe auckte / Js 21: to plauyamme laike. Vnd 22: tan plauyamman laikan / 23: grib es vs thems Plawe- 24: gims ßatcyth / ßackrayeth 25: pirmacke tho nickne Sale kopan / vnde ßeneth to exkan 26: na§tams / Ka ta ßaddetczenata thope. Beth tös Que- 27: §chos ßackrayeth man exkan manne Sckune. |
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