Šī rīka saturs šobrīd ir novecojies un var neatbilst korpusa jaunākajai versijai! Ps1615, 33. lpp.
1: gir tas kas tur nack exkan to warde ta Kunge.
2: Ho§ianna exkan auxte Debbes. 3: Hie keret §ich der Diener kegen 4: das Volck / §pricht: 5: Laidet mums no ßirdes luuckt / ka muße Kunx 6: Jhe§us Chri§tus mums gir luuckt pawheleis / vnd pre- 7: czige packloui§chenne peßatcys. 8: Darnach §inget er. 9: MVße Thewes / exkan to Debbes / Swetitz to- 10: pe tows wärdcz / Enakas mums touwe wal§tibe / |
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